Karen believes this is the solution to the Filipinos’ woes when it comes to electricity. Presently, over 26 percent of Filipinos have no access to electricity, while those who have electricity are constantly troubled by the rising costs for this necessity.
Joining Karen in calling for the government’s support for Renewable Energy is the independent organization Greenpeace. According to the group, the Philippines can reach up to 50% usage of Renewable Energy by the year 2020.
One of the successful projects employing Renewable Energy such as solar energy is the “Ride for Light” project in Mindoro. The livelihood of families that were given solar home kits didn’t only get a boost, but the health of their children also improved.
Witness how Renewable Energy brings light, literally and figuratively, to communities and how it has changed their lives for the better. Listen and take part in Karen’s crusade, because it takes more than words to make a stand.
Catch the program this Thursday (July 21) on ABS-CBN Channel 2, after “Bandila.” Be heard by sending in your comment on the issue and the program. Like Krusada’s official Facebook fanpage (http://facebook.com/Krusada) and follow the show on Twitter (http://twitter.com/KrusadaTV).