At a media event, she affirmed how Del Monte Pineapple can turn regular dishes to more delicious and nutritious meals. She also acknowledged that children have to be presented with tasty food without compromising nutrient content. Thus, moms have to find ways to make sure that the food kids eat remain exciting as well as healthy to get the best of both worlds.
In a blind taste test, it was found out that 9 out of 10 kids prefer Chicken Adobo cooked with Del Monte Pineapple. Judy Ann describes the dish as "piña-level up sa sarap at sustansiya” because the kids were excited to eat, asked for second helpings, and ate everything on their plates. She recognizes that it's more challenging to cook for kids than for her teachers in culinary school. "Kahit chef ka, hindi madaling mahuli ang taste ng mga bata."
On the other hand, aside from the yummy taste, nutrient analysis shows that Adobo with Del Monte Pineapple has five times more fiber which kids' daily diet usually does not have enough of. Moreover, it contains Vitamin C, Manganese, and Phytonutrients that help boost the body's overall health and immunity.
Find new favorite dishes that can be “Piña-Level Up!” such Pork Humba, Pancit Guisado, and a lot more. Just visit www.kitchenomics.com for recipes.