Baua was reportedly hit by rocks on his head as residents fought off the demolition teams, resisting the relocation.
In his official Twitter account, Baua thanked all those who tried to reach him after it was reported in the news that he was wounded.
“[T]hank you to all those who called & texted. [I]’ts a 2.5inch wound, abt to get 4-5 stitches. [E]verythings fine, just waiting for anesthesia,” he said.
Baua said even their OB van and crew cab were damaged.
“Our cables got burned aftr it was hit by a molotov bomb. A smoke bomb also landed in front of our ob van, the crewcab windshield also broken,” he tweeted.
It was reported that the informal settlers threw rocks, molotov bombs and pillboxes.
At around 4 p.m., the violence stopped after authorities took control of the Laperal Compound.
Source: www.abs-cbnnews.com